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Reviews from customers

September 28, 2002
In less then 5 minutes
After visiting your site and reading the messages posted there I downloaded the trial version. In less then 5 minutes I had entered 100 issues. I was very impressed with the ease of entry and the ability to add virtually all relevant information about the books that I needed.

My collection is around 15,000 books. I am very happy that I have this software to make the process of cataloging that much easier. — Jason A. Cook on Comic Collector

July 04, 2002
The best
I searched for comic book software and found your website. I must say that this program is the best I've seen in terms of use and functionality. I like how many fields can be designed to suit my needs and it has a pleasing appearance. — Thomas Arnold on Comic Collector
April 26, 2002
Great job
Have been playing around with the program for a couple of days now and I have to say I love it... It's simple enough to learn right away and complex enough to satisfy most collectors.

You are doing a great job, keep it up, and thanks. — arathaine on Comic Collector