What's new in CLZ Comics for Android?
Instead of adding more new features, we decided to take a few weeks to work on the look and feel of the app.
In this 6.6 update, we improved the look and layout of the issue list and of the comic details pages, in both the main screen and the Add screen preview.
On top of that, we finally acted upon a common request from our users: you can now change the size of the thumbnails in the Images View.
New look for the series list
- A new layout with more compact, lower list rows.
- Series images now show the top part of the cover of the last issue (so in most cases showing the series “logo”
- A subtle series backdrop is now shown behind the list
(this is optional, switch it off using Settings)
New look for the issue list
- Improved size, layout and font size of list entries
- A subtle series backdrop is now shown behind the list
(this is optional, switch it off using Settings) - Tablet: backdrop is now full screen, continuing behind folder list, issue list and details
Images View: you can now change thumbnail size
This was a common request for the Images View: “Can I make the thumbnails bigger? (or smaller)”. So we finally made this happen. A new slider is now present at the top, that lets you choose how many covers are shown per row.
Comic details (“Clear” template)
A complete redesign of the Clear template, in both Light and Dark mode, with a better layout of all issue details. Plus, you can now easily change Collection Status tapping its blue display block, right from the details page.
Add Comics screen
A complete redesign of the Preview template, to better show the issue details from Core. And, you can now tap the small cover thumbnail to show a full screen cover.
Also, when an FMV is available through GoCollect, the value range is now shown in the issue search results AND the preview page: