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Related topics are listed below.

Managing Your Database

Managing Your Database

There are a lot of ways to manage your database within the CLZ Comics app. From editing to updating your comics, there are a lot of possibilities. Example: you might want to change a storage box location or update your current comic book information. Fields you want…

Searching your database

Browsing » Searching your database

After you cataloged in your comics in the app, you can easily find them back in the app by searching your database. This might be useful if you are looking for a comic book in a large collection that you want to view or edit. CLZ offers a few different ways to…

Managing pick lists

Managing Your Database » Managing pick lists

With every comic you add to your collection, CLZ Comics stores common information in Pick Lists. Examples of pick lists include series, series group, and storage box. With the Manage Pick List screen, you can modify all pick list items. With it you can add, edit,…

Warning: Database originates from Direct Export

FAQ / Troubleshooting » CLZ Cloud sync problems » Warning: Database originates from Direct Export

“Your database originates from a direct export from PC/Mac. Any additions or changes to this database cannot be synced back to CLZ Cloud or your PC/Mac.” CLZ Cloud sync doesn’t work if the database on your mobile device originated from a “Direct…

Error: Database synced with different CLZ Account

FAQ / Troubleshooting » CLZ Cloud sync problems » Error: Database synced with different CLZ Account

The database you’re trying to sync with CLZ Cloud has been synced before, but to a different CLZ Account. This can happen if you have more than one CLZ Account with us. If you indeed have multiple CLZ Accounts and you wish to merge your accounts into one,…

Error: Different database than the one in CLZ Cloud

FAQ / Troubleshooting » CLZ Cloud sync problems » Error: Different database than the one in CLZ Cloud

It could happen that you do not have that same database anymore, or for any reason at all, you now wish to sync this database you have in front of you instead of the one in CLZ Cloud. In that case, we recommend clearing your CLZ Cloud, and then re-uploading your data…

Getting Started

Getting Started

CLZ Comics is the perfect tool to help you keep track of your collection. Do you want to check if you already have a comic book in your collection? or just want to view your collection in different folders and display modes? We’ve got you covered! With CLZ, you…

CLZ Comics

CLZ Comics

Welcome to CLZ Comics! Thanks for downloading our CLZ Comics app! We hope you’ll enjoy using this app to catalog and manage your comic book collection. What is CLZ Comics? CLZ Comics is the perfect tool to help you keep track of your collection. Want to check if…

Error: Cleared collection in CLZ Cloud

FAQ / Troubleshooting » CLZ Cloud sync problems » Error: Cleared collection in CLZ Cloud

It seems you cleared your collection in CLZ Cloud. You will be presented with the option to “Upload this database” meaning you are about to upload your entire comics database from your local computer or mobile device up into CLZ Cloud. To continue and…

Errors in sync report

FAQ / Troubleshooting » CLZ Cloud sync problems » Errors in sync report

It can happen that something goes wrong during sync. If that happens, you will be notified, and you can check here what the error means: Error downloading/uploading cover: Other Messages: Clear database in CLZ Cloud: Error downloading/uploading cover: A…



After you cataloged your first few comics, you can start browsing your database. CLZ offers a few ways to browse your database. This can be a great feature if you’re looking for issues or information within a series. Example: If you’re looking for the most…

Removing comics

Managing Your Database » Removing comics

There are a few ways to remove comics from your database. Removing one comic from its details page Removing multiple comics in one go Remove all comics from your database Removing comics by swiping (iOS only) Removing one comic from its details page Tap…

Merging pick list items

Managing Your Database » Managing pick lists » Merging pick list items

Accidentally got two or more pick list items that are the same? That is no problem. You can merge the two by managing your pick list How do you merge your pick lists? Open the menu by the button in the top left corner Tap “Manage Pick Lists” located under…

CLZ Cloud sync problems

FAQ / Troubleshooting » CLZ Cloud sync problems

Here you can find all the questions related to “CLZ Cloud sync problems”: CLZ Cloud sync problems: I have a different number of comics in desktop, cloud, and app Error: Database synced with different CLZ Account Error: Cleared collection in CLZ…

Multiple collections

Managing Your Database » Multiple collections

The Manage Collections option in the menu of the app lets you create multiple sub-sections in your database, called “collections”. Why create multiple collections: Many users use this feature, for all kinds of purposes: to keep separate collections for…

I have a different number of comics in desktop, cloud and app

FAQ / Troubleshooting » CLZ Cloud sync problems » I have a different number of comics in desktop, cloud and app

In some rare situations, your desktop, cloud, and mobile app database can get “out-of-sync”, causing a different number of comics to be listed. The solution is simple but may take some time. In short: Clear your CLZ Cloud, upload your local database, and…

Update CovrPrice values

CovrPrice Values » Update CovrPrice values

After you linked your CovrPrice to your CLZ account. You have to update your CovrPrice values to get a current value. You can do this by clicking one button. The “update CovrPrice values” button. The Update from CovrPrice feature lets you update the comics…

Adding manually

Adding Comics » Adding manually

If you are unable to find a comic issue in our central database or you don’t have an internet connection, you can add it manually. When you add manually you will have the same options as the edit screen. How to add a comic manually? Tap on the “menu” icon to…

Pre-fill settings

Adding Comics » Pre-fill settings

When adding a comic to your database it will show you a popup screen where you can fill in some extra information about the comic book. This can be some personal information like storage or read status, but can also be some extra facts. This information then will be…

The Core

The Core

Core is our central online comic database, the database that is searched when you add comics by Series, Issue, Barcode or by using the Pull List in the Add Comics screen. In other words, Core is the source of the automatic data and images you get when using the…

Editing comics

Managing Your Database » Editing comics

After adding some comics to your database, it’s time to start editing your entries to add personal information (like purchase details, storage box, and notes, etc…) or to edit the automatically downloaded data to your own preferences. This is done in the app’s…

Cover tab

Managing Your Database » Editing comics » Cover tab

Almost all comics in the database have cover images included, but CLZ Comics also gives you the ability to add your own images. You might want to do this if the picture is not of your liking or if you have a slightly different cover. (note that almost all comic covers…

Submit to Core

The Core » Submit to Core

Core is our central online comic database, the database that is searched when you add comics by Series, Issue, Barcode, or by using the Pull List in the Add Comics screen. In other words, Core is the source of the automatic data and images you get when using the…

Key information

The Core » Key information

A comic book is a key when it’s important to the plot, character, or series. This can impact the value or relevance of/to the comic. In the CLZ app, this key information is already implemented in Core. You may want to update regularly to keep this up to…

Adding Comics

Adding Comics

After you’re done setting up your app, you can start adding your comic books to your database. You can add comics to CLZ Comics in a variety of ways. How to add comics to your collection? Select one of the methods below to learn how: Adding by Barcode: When…

Adding by series

Adding Comics » Adding by series

If you want to add multiple comics of one series, the easiest way to do so is by searching on the series title. Typing the series will automatically show a few suggestions by the series name. If you click enter it will show all series associated with this title.…

FAQ / Troubleshooting

FAQ / Troubleshooting

If your question could not be answered by the main topics try to see if the FAQs can help you out. Account and subscription questions: Use your existing subscription How can I change my user ID to a real user name? My app is suddenly locked, how do I fix…

Series folder

Customising » Grouping into folders » Series folder

For the comic collector, the series folder is the most important folder. This will combine the issues that belong within the same series. The series folder is the only folder with an image next to it. This will help you identify the series. The series folder option…

My Series

Adding Comics » Adding by NCBD » My Series

“My series” tab: view releases for your existing series The “My Series” tab is a way to browse releases for the series that are already in your database. How to view my series: Tap the Add Comics button: Then go to the NCBD tab and tap “My…

Shake to shuffle

Browsing » Shake to shuffle

Shake your phone to select a random comic in your database. You can use this to decide which comic to casually read or view. You can turn off the shake to shuffle in “Settings” page (under behavior). Alternatively, use the Shuffle button in the top…

Main tab

Managing Your Database » Editing comics » Main tab

In the main edit screen, you can find and edit all the standard comic information. Most of this will already automatically be filled in by our database. You might want to edit details that aren’t corresponding with the comic or edit them to your liking. This…

Key questions

FAQ / Troubleshooting » Key questions

Here you can find all the questions related to “key”: Key questions: Q: I am not seeing any key info in my app? Q: When updating keys what is the difference between the Replace and Replace & Clear options? I am not seeing any key info in my app. Q:…



Within the CLZ app, there are lots of settings to customise the database to your liking. You might want to view your comics in different types of folders, but customising also includes dark and light modes. Read some of these settings in the following…

Update from Core

The Core » Update from Core

After you add your comics, the Core online data may change, e.g. to add more details that were not previously available. The Update from Core feature lets you update the comics in your local database with the new information in Core. How to update your comics with…

Key tab

Managing Your Database » Editing comics » Key tab

A key issue comic book is an issue that is important in a series. Key information is fun to know, but can also have an impact on the value of the comic book. Key information is automatically filled in when adding a comic. A minor key comic can be recognized by the…

Adding comics

Getting Started » Adding comics

The first thing to do is add comics to your collection. After you’re done setting up your app, you can start adding your comic books to your database. You can add comics to CLZ Comics in a variety of ways: Adding by Barcode When you are cataloging your boxes…

Adding by issue

Adding Comics » Adding by issue

Sometimes looking by series can be difficult cause it still shows a lot of options. If you know the exact issue you’re looking for you can type in the series title plus the issue number on the issue tap. Example: You are looking for Amazing Spiderman 25. Easily fill…

Re-link Core variant

The Core » Re-link Core variant

It could be that the specific variant you own was NOT in Core yet when added to your database, but is listed NOW. In that case, you of course want to change your Core link to the correct variant, so that: When you use Update from Core, you will get the data for the…

Adding by NCBD

Adding Comics » Adding by NCBD

What is NCBD? NCBD stands for New Comic Book Day and this is the day our CLZ Content Team updates and adds all new releases for that week in our Core central online comic database, complete with cover art, variant descriptions and creator lists. Every week on…

Collection questions

FAQ / Troubleshooting » Collection questions

Here you can find all the questions related to “Collection Questions”: Collection questions: Can I edit multiple comics in one go? Why can’t I edit creators and characters in the app, or even sync my creator/character data from the desktop…

Submit to Core guidelines

The Core » Submit to Core » Submit to Core guidelines

The Submit to Core feature is a great way to help improve our Core online comic database. With the submit to Core feature you can: Submit new comics that are not in Core yet Submit corrections to existing Core entries To preserve data quality and consistency,…

CovrPrice questions

FAQ / Troubleshooting » CovrPrice questions

Now that we’re live with the CLZ / CovrPrice integration, here’s an updated version of the FAQ, with the most common post-launch questions: I am not getting values for some of my comics, why? To get value for a comic, this is what needs to…