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What's new in CLZ Music for Android?

CLZ Music (Android)

v4.11.1: More editable fields!

August 13th, 2018

By popular demand, we have added more editable fields to CLZ Music:

Fields that are now fully editable:

  • Sortnames for composers
  • Original Release Date (exists next to regular release date)
  • Packaging
  • Media Condition (the old Condition field is now “Package/Sleeve Condition”)
  • Vinyl Color
  • Vinyl Weight
  • Vinyl RPM
  • Disc Title

But wait, that’s not all: All the above fields now also sync to and from the CLZ Cloud!

Secure HTTPS connections, for your security and privacy

As indicated in our GDPR email, we are updating our software and services, to be more secure and to better protect your privacy.

Starting with version 4.11 CLZ Music now uses secure HTTPS connections for all communications with our servers:

  • for logging in with your username and password
  • for syncing your data with CLZ Cloud
  • for sending your searches to Core.

To make this possible, we have created new secure “entry points” on our servers, that are only allowing secure HTTPS connections. The new CLZ Music app only communicates with those secure entry points.

For your privacy and security, we strongly recommend updating your app to v4.11.

A new sort option:

A couple of months ago we introduced new sort orders, including “Artist, then Year (Asc)” where it would sort the year ascending. By request, we’ve now added “Artist, then Year (Desc)” so you can also have your years in descending order. The regular “Asc.” and “Desc.” toggles for those two sort options will only affect the Artist sort order.

Recent changes

v9.1: CLZ Music is now free to use up to 100 albums May 31st, 2024 v9.0: Collection tabs, better Add Albums screen, easy people filtering May 3rd, 2024 v8.4: Easier access to Manage Pick Lists tool October 25th, 2023 v8.3: Pre-fill screen: Orange highlights and a Clear button October 16th, 2023 v8.1: New Sync button on main screen September 6th, 2023 v8.0: Use multiple folder levels May 17th, 2023 v7.4 New “Card View” May 12th, 2022 v7.3: Back Cover images! March 29th, 2022 v7.2: Progress Bars and Cancel buttons! March 15th, 2022 v7.1: Improved Pre-fill screen: choose your own fields! February 10th, 2022 v7.0: New features and lots of improvements November 25th, 2021 v6.6.2: Main screen lists now fully support system font sizes September 28th, 2021 v6.6 Submit to Core / New Select Mode and action menu September 27th, 2021 v6.5: Duplicate / Clear Cloud / Shake to Shuffle / Currency symbol September 9th, 2021 v6.4: Lots of new database fields August 19th, 2021 v6.3 New look for album list, cover view & album details June 23rd, 2021 v6.2: Various improvements February 22nd, 2021 v6.1.1: New: Pre-fill fields while adding albums December 28th, 2020 v6.0: Edit multiple, more compact Edit screen, crop/rotate images September 2nd, 2020 Sneak Preview: version 6.0 of all 5 CLZ mobile apps! July 21st, 2020 v5.5: Better support for multi-disc albums! June 3rd, 2020 v5.4 Faster CLZ Cloud syncing! March 18th, 2020 v5.3.2: Filter search results on format February 20th, 2020 v5.3.1: Search folders, sort folders by count and and faster syncing February 14th, 2020 v5.2.1: New Statistics screen January 6th, 2020