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Comic Connect

New report after Updating Key Info

January 30th, 2023

Introduced in November 2021, the Update Key Info tool is one the biggest and most popular features of the Comic Connect software. It automatically gives you crucial information about your collection, that is, which of your comics are major keys, which ones are minor keys. Of course, it also tells you why, for example: first appearances of characters, deaths, cameo appearances, first team appearances, origins, iconic cover art, etc…

However, since we introduced this feature, one of the most requested improvements has become:

“After updating my key info, I would like to see WHICH comics were updated and WHAT has changed.”

So we sat down and improved this feature, with a nice new Updated Key Info report, that shows you exactly what has changed.

The report shows:

  • Which comics have now become a new Major or Minor Key.
  • Which comics have been updated from Minor Key to Major Key (or vice versa)
  • Which comics are now not a key anymore (downgraded from Major or Minor to NOT key).
  • Which comics have had their Key Reason or Key Category updated (highlighted in yellow or blue text).
  • Finally, at the bottom it shows how your total numbers of Minor and Major keys have changed.

Recent changes

New “search for…” suggestions when adding by Series or Issue August 8th, 2024 New: Jump to Issue feature (aka “the sniper button”) May 24th, 2024 Use Edit Multiple to set Creators & Characters May 2nd, 2024 Value Totals for any issue list April 17th, 2024 Improved managing and editing of pick list fields April 8th, 2024 Connect is now available in Swedish! February 21st, 2024 Connect is now available in Danish! January 30th, 2024 Improvements to the Collections and Edit Multiple features November 20th, 2023 Add Comics : better “In Collection” indicators when using Hide Variants mode October 31st, 2023 Complete re-design of Edit Multiple feature October 30th, 2023 Pre-fill screen: Orange highlights and a Clear button October 30th, 2023 Filter your Series list by Completed status October 25th, 2023 Improved search results in the Link with Core screen October 12th, 2023 Connect is now available in French, Spanish and Hungarian! September 29th, 2023 Modify the Creators and Character lists of your comic entries! August 17th, 2023 Improved Import from CSV/TXT screen August 16th, 2023 Printing / Exporting a selection is now much easier August 10th, 2023 Connect is now available in German! July 4th, 2023 Re-designed collection tab-bar May 4th, 2023 New look for the Series folders May 2nd, 2023 Connect is now available in Dutch! April 27th, 2023 Three new slab-related fields, plus a new look for slabs! March 1st, 2023 New report after Updating Key Info January 30th, 2023 View Last “Update Values” Report November 2nd, 2022 CovrPrice Values: Export to CSV or Print to PDF October 28th, 2022
