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Related topics are listed below.

Editing movies

Managing your database » Editing movies

After adding some movies to your database, it’s time to start editing your entries to add personal information (like purchase details, your own ratings and notes, etc…) or to edit the automatically downloaded data to your own preferences. This is done in…

Removing movies

Managing your database » Removing movies

Removing movies by swiping Removing one movie from its’ details page Removing multiple movies in one go Remove all movies Removing movies by swiping You can remove movies by swiping on the title (in your list of movies) from right to left. Using the same…

Managing Pick Lists

Managing your database » Managing Pick Lists

With every movie you add to your collection, CLZ Movies stores common information in Pick Lists. Examples of pick lists include Genre, Format, Location, Owner, etc. With the Manage Pick List screen you can modify all Pick List items. With it you can add, edit,…

Removing unused pick list items

Removing unused pick list items: You may have some pick list items that you don’t use anymore. You can remove them: From the menu, choose “Manage Pick Lists”. Choose which list you want to remove unused items from. Tap the menu button top right…

Adding by Barcode

Adding movies » Adding by Barcode

If you are cataloging your DVD and Blu-ray collection, the best way to add movies is by scanning their barcodes with your device’s camera: Tap the Add Movies button: In the Add screen, at the top, choose By Barcode. Point the camera scanner at a 4K UHD,…

Error: Cleared collection in CLZ Cloud

Troubleshooting » CLZ Cloud Sync problems » Error: Cleared collection in CLZ Cloud

It seems you cleared your collection in CLZ Cloud, meaning you have logged into your CLZ Cloud and used the red button named “Remove all movies from database”. You will be presented with the option to “Upload this database” meaning you are…

Errors in Sync Report

Troubleshooting » CLZ Cloud Sync problems » Errors in Sync Report

It can happen that something goes wrong during sync. If that happens, you will be notified, and you can check here what the error means: Error downloading/uploading cover Other Messages Clear database in CLZ Cloud Error downloading/uploading cover: A…

Pre-fill screen

Adding movies » Pre-fill screen

The “Pre-fill” screen gives you the ability to set default field values for your new movie additions. It allows you to pre-fill any field before adding your movie. For instance, you can set the “Seen it” or “Read It” fields to Yes or…

Multiple collections

Managing your database » Multiple collections

The Manage Collections option in the menu of the app lets you create multiple sub-sections in your database, called “collections”. Why create multiple collections: Many users use this feature, for all kinds of purposes: to keep separate collections for…

Field Reference

Managing your database » Editing movies » Field Reference

Field types in the Edit Screen In the Edit Screen you will find different field types: Basic text fields: These allow you to just type any text in them. Number only fields: You can only add numbers in this field (for instance an index field, or a price…