What's new in CLZ Games for Android?
Now live in the App/Play Store, a huge 5.3 update for your CLZ Games app, introducing two big new features:
- Add games by checkboxing from a full platform list.
- Add game hardware by searching our new Core hardware database.
Both are new premium online services, so require an active CLZ Games subscription!
If you are still using CLZ Games in the grandfathered “Unlocked” status, you will have to subscribe before you can use these new services. To do so, just open the menu and near the top, tap “Subscribe for more”.
Add Games by Platform
(in the Add Game screen, use the new “Platform” tab)
Add by Platform is a new 3rd tab in the Add Games screen, for quickly adding all games you own for a platform.
Just select a platform top left, then checkbox the games you own from a full list of games for that platform. Use the US/EU selector to choose which version of the game you want to add.
The list also clearly highlights in the games you already have, making it a perfect tool for platform completionists. Use the filter top right and select “Not in collection” to make the list show only the games that are not in your app yet.
Add Hardware from Core
(In the menu, choose “Add Hardware from Core”)
Search our new Core online hardware database, to easily add consoles, controllers and other accessories. Automatically get descriptions, box images, device images, backdrop images, sometimes even YouTube promo videos.
Use the platform selector top right to search within a platform. Limit the search results to consoles, controllers and other accessories using the “Search for” filter.
IMPORTANT: both are premium online services, so require an active CLZ Games subscription!
- In the Add from Core screen, when adding a game that is already in your app as ‘On Wish List’ or ‘On Order’, the app will now offer to change its status to ‘In Collection’.
- When scanning barcodes the “beep” sound would only sound on the first scan